Is stability to be sought at all costs? In your personal life, in your career, for others, for yourself... Aren't our paths, our choices, ultimately a series of small crises, of tilts, forcing us to move forward, to set ourselves in motion? After all, being stable could quickly become boring, passive, inert... Let's prefer surprise and the unexpected!
Stability is not a source of movement for a dancer, nor for a musician, it is the imbalance that induces movement, a push or an accident. It's up to us to play on the stage and write our praise of instability, let's make instability desirable!
performance Aurélien Le Glaunec or Julien Meslage, Juliana Plançon or Quelen Lamouroux & Felix Rigollot
production Compagnie Arcosm
coproduction Très Tôt Théâtre, scène conventionnée Arts, Enfance & Jeunesse de Quimper (29)
with the support of La Chapelle Sainte-Marie / Cie La Barraka (Annonay), Pôle Pik (Bron), Le Gymnase CDCN (Roubaix), Le Polaris de Corbas (69), Très Tôt Théâtre de Quimper (29), la Spedidam