A Liberdade a Passar Por Aqui - Freedom is passing through here

Companhia de Música Teatral
Liberdade a passar por aqui

Freedom is precious and essential to being ourselves and must accompany our growth, like music. A Liberdade a Passar Por Aqui (Freedom is passing through here) proposes to revisit musical memories of older people and create an artistic experience for children (0-5 years old) and their companions, involving parents and grandparents.


conception Companhia de Música Teatral
coproduction Fábrica das Artes do Centro Cultural de Belém, Casa das Artes de Vila Nova de Famalicão, Cineteatro Louletano
interpreters Gustavo Paixão, Inês Silva, Paulo Maria Rodrigues 
creation of objects and scenic spaces Mafalda Milhões, Miguel Ferraz, Matilde Milhões, Paulo Maria Rodrigues, Rita Roberto
costumes Izabel Rocha
artistic direction Paulo Maria Rodrigues
technical direction and light design Élio Moreira 
project management Céu Santos
financial counsel Artur Silva
general coordination Helena Rodrigues   
communication management Mariana Vences
communication design Mafalda Maia