Experience the first notes of a future work, created with and by children, in collaboration with composer Lars Kynde and director Gertrud Exner.
Under the leadership of actor and director Gertrud Exner and composer and instrument inventor Lars Kynde, a new children's research group has worked with the microscopic tonal and rhythmic variations of speech and, with that starting point, created a series of playful instruments, that stage the materiality of sound.
Lars Kynde's music-inventor's workshop has been creating performances with children and young people since 2018. He is now expanding this work together with the renowned actor, director, and puppet maker Gertrud Exner. This is the first process display of a long process, which will continue throughout next year, and which will culminate in a large instrumental theater performance at the Klang festival 2023, and hopefully also at next year's BIG BANG.
The performance is free and plays twice - please note that to be sure of a seat, you must reserve a ticket.