Lydkompasset is an electroacoustic theater experience for 4–8-year-olds. With a personal speaker close to the body, the children are taken on a listening journey back into grandma's memories, where cats play catch between the children, air pancakes fly around the room, voices from the past escape, and we have to go out to sea, into the witch's forest, and all the way back to the silence before we find that the memories are inside ourselves and we should not be afraid to set them free.
Cast: Ane Østergaard, Kirsten Østergaard Pallesen
Produced by: Østerlyd
Composer: Ane Østergaard and Kirsten Østergaard Pallesen
Playwright, author: Kirsten Østergaard Pallesen, Ane Østergaard
Concept: Kirsten Østergaard Pallesen and Ane Østergaard
Instructor: Gertrud Exner
Consultant: Signe Østergaard Pallesen
Other: Søren La Cour
Lighting designer: Amalie Fabricius-Steen
ATTENTION!! Due to the performance's use of 'personal speakers', a ticket is valid for DKK 70 for 1 to 2 children + 1 adult, sitting together in a small group and sharing a speaker. If you are two adults and two children, you should buy 2 'sets' of tickets, as it gives the best experience if each child sits with his or her own speaker.
There is room for 24 couples per performance, so don't wait too long to buy a ticket!
Saturday 20th august, 12:00, 14:00 and 16:00
Age group: between 4 years and 8 years
Duration: 40 minutes