Feten Feten is a versatile group formed by Jorge Arribas and Diego Galaz, which, depending on the occasion, changes the number of musicians or the concert format. However, always maintaining a number of common characteristics, which are based on a self-composed music created for fun, which adapts all kinds of musical styles to the particular style of Feten Feten and all kinds of unusual instruments: chair-flute, mandolins made with cans, phonoviolins, saw, trumpet violins, metallophones, cowbells, gong, vibrandoneón.... From this perspective, Feten Feten is an instrumental journey with a Hispanic flavour, but which launches naturally towards the Eastern Mediterranean, the United States or Asia, to approach from swing to jota, passing through waltz, chotis, paso doble, foxtrot or calypso. All these styles pass through the hands of Feten Feten to generate a new sound experience with a powerful identity of its own. Listening to Feten Feten is to evoke landscapes and situations, as their music is ideal to be part of film soundtracks or our own life.
Since 2009, the year of its founding, Feten Feten has released two albums, the last one thanks to the crowdfunding formula, something that is a sign of being rooted with their followers, especially in Valladolid and Burgos, the latter city where Diego Galaz directs the only festival in Spain dedicated to the Unusual Instruments. In addition, both Galaz and Arribas actively collaborate with other musicians and bands of the current rock, pop and folk scene.
They will also perform at the Music Lunch between 14h and 16h.